Difference between CV and resume.

Both CV and resume often used interchangeably. But there are several important differences between them that needed to be understood in order to present your qualifications effectively.

Detail and length One of the biggest difference between a CV and a resume is that they very greatly in length and detail. Our experience, full description of research, education, skills and qualification extra is included in CV. But resume is a brief summary of skill, experience and qualification usually limited to one or two pages. Resume is prepared only for the purpose and use of the particular job for which you are applying. But CVS are often used in academic research and scientific field where documentation of your full history is required and are mostly used in Europe Africa and Asia. CVs are used to apply for jobs however resume or mostly used in Canada and United States for jobs in academic and research fields.

Structure and content

CV and resume are also very different in term of structure and content.

CV includes comprehensive section such as:

Number 1personal information:

Which require your name contact details and photo.

Number 2 education:

Detail information about your degree institution and dates.

Number 3 experience:

It contains detail of your experience such as job, responsibilities and achievements.

Number 4 research:

Research project, published articles and books etc.

Number 5 award and honours:

It include details of honor and rewards received at academic and professional level.

Number 6 skills:

It also require detail about our skills including languages, technical skills and other relevant skills.

Resume focuses on section such as:

Number 1 contact information:

Like the CV it also has to mention the name, phone number and email address etc.

Number 2 objectives:

Resume summarize carrier goals and qualifications.

Number 3 work experience:

Experience and achievements relevant to the position we are applying for.

Number 4 skills:

Skills that are developed for this job.

Number 5 certificate:

Any certificate that are relevant to this job.

Number 6 optional parts:

Such as volunteer, experience, interest if relevant.

Flexibility and customisation.

Only the things which are very important are written in the resume. Resume is prepared for a particular job so every resume is very unique. On the other hand a CV is more static document that you can update as needed and can use it for applying for any job.


It is very important to understand the difference between CV and resume so that we can apply for job effectively. Chosing the right format for applying for jobs in the United States and Canada is important so that you can make an effective impression.